Grid Search in scikit-learn

4 years ago

The performance of our Machine Learning model is largely based on the hyperparameter values for the model. Hence, hyperparameter tuning…

Cross-Validation in scikit-learn

4 years ago

Cross-validation is a statistical method used in Machine Learning for estimating the performance of models. It is very important to…

Feature Scaling: MinMax, Standard and Robust Scaler

4 years ago

Feature Scaling is performed during the Data Preprocessing step. Also known as normalization, it is a method that is used…

XGBoost Algorithm using Python

4 years ago

XGBoost is one of the most popular boosting algorithms. It is well known to arrive at better solutions as compared…

Outlier Detection using Isolation Forests

4 years ago

For a dataset, an outlier is a data point that behaves differently from the other data points. Outliers cause huge…

Introduction to Ensemble Techniques: Bagging and Boosting

4 years ago

Ensemble Techniques are Machine Learning techniques that combine predictions from several models to give an optimal model. Several models are…

Discovering Hidden Themes of Documents

4 years ago

Latent Semantic Analysis using Python Discovering topics are very useful for various purposes such as for clustering documents, organizing online…

Predicting Customer Lifetime Value in Python

4 years ago

Learn how to calculate Customer Life Time Value in Python. Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto states that 80% of the effect…

Introduction to Customer Segmentation in Python

4 years ago

In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to implement customer segmentation using RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis from scratch in…

Introduction to Factor Analysis in Python

4 years ago

In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of factor analysis and how to implement it in Python. Factor Analysis (FA)…