Editorial Staff

<strong>Networking and Professional Development for Machine Learning Careers in the USA</strong>

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, machine learning has emerged as a transformative discipline, revolutionizing industries and driving innovation. As…

2 years ago

Inpainting an image in Julia

For our final article of the month, we'll be showing you how easy it is to inpaint images in Julia.…

4 years ago

SVMs with Julia

We're almost at the end of another month of Julia here on MachineLearningGeek, and we'll be quickly covering Support Vector…

4 years ago

Julia Packaging

Great, now you have a working knowledge of programming in Julia. When you use it to make awesome packages, you'll…

4 years ago

Regression with Julia

Today we'll be taking a quick look at how to do regressions in Julia. But instead of using our advanced…

4 years ago

Deep dive into Flux.jl

Today we'll be taking a look at some source code behind Flux.jl. If you're here, you've likely tried to work…

4 years ago

Macros in Julia

julia> @foofoo "rocks" MLG:rocks You might be thinking how is machine learning related to Macros. Or perhaps you're still haunted…

4 years ago

MNIST with Julia

Today we write the “Hello World” of machine learning in Flux, training a simple neural net to classify hand-written digits…

4 years ago

Interactivity and Pluto

Today we'll finally see the power of Pluto. Not only does it make it easy to iterate on your code,…

4 years ago

Basics of Plots.jl and plotting using GPU

Last time we covered Gadfly.jl, which is the library I suggest that you use, due to it's intuitive approach making…

4 years ago